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“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

- Albert Einstein

Corporate Intuition Coaching

Description:  Corporate intuition coaching includes in-person workshops with me for one or two days for four hours each day at your office. These coaching sessions teach you how to access new information and ideas and are effective professional development for staff. These workshops are ideal for creatives and business professionals. Single-day workshop design focuses on knowing when your intuition is leading, moving beyond thought, and tuning into your body to find the answers. Multi-day workshops include single-day workshop topics and incorporate expanding awareness of your talents and skills, creating ideal inner energetic environments, and reconciling failure. Prices are per day. Please inquire at

Individual Intuition Coaching

Description: Individual intuition coaching sessions span eight weeks and are 1:1 virtual sessions with me. For the eight weeks, you will deepen your relationship with yourself by addressing your specific challenges to accessing your intuition. This coaching session walks you through your current experience with intuition to more conscious awareness to support you in allowing the most loving part of yourself to guide you.

Complimentary fifteen-minute discovery calls are welcome. Please send an email to to schedule.


Duration: 8 Weeks


Price: $2,000 per person

Book Individual Intuition Coaching

Booking Info: Both parties will determine dates for eight consecutive weeks of training after booking.

Individual Intuition Coaching


Eight Weeks



"I had such an amazingly powerful and extremely insightful 8 weeks during my individual intuitive coaching with Eboni! She helped me understand myself so much deeper and in more ways than I expected. This program with Eboni catalyzed so many shifts in my life, from the littlest to really big ones. She helped me so much more than I could put into words, and I will always cherish our time together. She holds a special place in my heart, and I will forever be grateful for being blessed with her beautiful soul."


Cancellation Policy

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Cancellations are accepted two weeks before scheduled coaching begins for individual coaching and 30 days for groups.

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